Our Missions Ministry seeks “to glorify God by making disciples who invest in other people and impact the nations.”

Meet our Missions Team!
God has placed us here in Jonesboro, but our mission field is the whole world which only God’s power can transform. One of the ways the Lord works is by using His people to impact lives for His glory. There are many opportunities by which you can get involved in missions. Whether it is going, giving, or praying, every one of us can play a role in God’s plan to rescue sinners and give them eternal life.
Local Ministries
Riley Clinic
Provided medical care to 839 patients in 2023.
Food Distribution
Provided a week’s worth of groceries to approximately 150 families in 2023. Each family was presented the Gospel, and many came to Christ and joined FBCJ.
Disaster Relief
FBCJ local mission’s ministry responded to 3 natural disasters in 2023. We were first on scene in Griffin when three tornados hit, we stayed several weeks and helped several hundred families. Our members were able to lead seven people to faith in Christ. We, also, responded to tornados in West Pont, and a hurricane in Valdosta where many were helped, and many responded to the gospel. Our shower unit was also deployed to Valdosta as well as many volunteers from our church.
The Shepherd's House
This is a residential men’s ministry with the mission to help men overcome addictions to alcohol drugs, or any sin separating them from a relationship with God and their family. Four men are currently residents, three of whom have been saved since arriving, all four are set free from bondage of sin and are members of FBCJ.
Phebe’s Home Family Ranch
January of 2023, we helped 2 toddler boys, get into the children’s home. The children were homeless, malnourish, neglected, and underdeveloped. Now they are flourishing and have been there for 1 year far from a life of hunger and pain.
English Classes (ESL)
Free ESL classes are held at Iglesia Bautista Victoria en Cristo on Tuesdays at 6:30pm.
Address: 170 Upper Riverdale Road, Riverdale, GA 30274
Contact: Ruben Torres | [email protected]
Gathered approximately 42 Friday nights in 2023. We served around 2800 meals, saw countless families restored, men and women delivered from addictions and strongholds, and many joined FBCJ through the Friday night ministry.
James Gang
This group of men serving our community completed 105 jobs in 2023 including 10 wheelchairs ramps. We are always looking for new volunteers.
Missions Warehouse
The warehouse was used to package and distribute 12,000 weekend meals for homeless children in Clayton County in 2023. 2,150 shoe boxes were packaged and sent to Operation Christmas Child this past December.
Restore to Me
A 3-day retreat for ladies who are in bondage to guilt and shame from having abortions. Three retreats were held and a total of 17 ladies have gone through and been set free.
Jonesboro Biblical Counseling Center
We helped over 68 new people in 2023 and completed 542 appointments. Many of whom did not have money to pay for a counselor and the ministry was provided for them.
Current Church Planting Partnerships
Grace City Church
Vancouver, British Columbia
Anthony and Danielle Hatchel
The church is still at the stage where they are meeting in homes but expects to move to a larger facility in 2024.
Kilbride Community Church
St. John, Newfoundland
Matt and Ruth Lahey
On December 12, 2023, the St. John’s City Council unanimously approved the new zoning of the building. Renovation is completed. The church began worshipping in their new building January 14, 2024.
Arabic Baptist Church
Cincinnati, Ohio
Amer and Victoria Safadi
Pastor Amer continues to baptize Moslem-background believers and plant new outreach Bible studies in the Midwest of America.
South Asia Community Church
Surrey, British Columbia
Shahid and Moroofa Kamal
The church ministers to a primary Hindu and Sikh background people who hearing and responding to the Gospel.
Junction Church
Calgary, Alberta
Rafael and Sarah Araujo relocated to Calgary to begin Junction Church. The work has begun well. Meetings are already occurring.
Downtown Community Church
St. John, Newfoundland
Adam Diamond
Regular Bible studies and worship services have begun in rented space.
Restoration Baptist Church
Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico
Carlos and Nancy Rodriguez
This is a great example of a church that was in desperate condition but has been restored. Space is now an issue. Baptisms are regularly occurring.
Church Planter Residency
- Cameron and Christa Moore came home to FBCJ November 1st. They began ministering together as worship leaders during their days in college. After marrying, they served during their seminary years with Wellington Church in Kentucky. Since 2018, Cam has been the Worship Pastor of Eastridge Church in Covington, until arriving here to participate in our church planting residency program.
They, and we, feel called to plant a church in the most non-religious city in all of Canada, Nanaimo, British Columbia. The new church will be our third on Vancouver Island and part of our multi-year strategy on the west coast of Canada. After spending one year with us gaining experience and knowledge of all aspects of mission work, in partnership with the North American Mission Board of the SBC, they will relocate to Canada in the fall of 2024.
International Partnerships
South Asia
We have two strategic planting partnerships in two countries in South Asia. God is moving miraculously and many churches are being formed from hundreds of people each year who accept Christ.
Central Asia
We are strategically working with a significant network of Christian leaders to reach people and start churches among many ethnic groups including Turkish, Afghani, Persian (Iranian), and Iraqi. We, also, partner to reach out to international students from several countries in Central Asia while they are involved in their university studies.
Our partnership in Cuba is into its third decade. Through special dispensation with both governments, we are involved in evangelism, leadership development and church planting in Santiago de Cuba and Matanzas. Thousands of people have been saved and hundreds of churches started through these 25+ years.
A multi-year strategy to begin a church in Cerro de Ora on the shores of Lake Atitlan and other Mayan towns of the central mountain region has been enhanced through construction, women’s ministry, children’s ministry and other social projects. A vibrant church now exists that will be a hub for more churches.
This ministry concentrates on leadership develop among the Kuna and Ngle Bugle native peoples as well as the Latin population. Construction teams often follow church planters in interior villages and islands where the Gospel is preached.
A very close relationship with our partner in Melbourne allowed us to send a member of our pastoral staff to serve as senior pastor. Together, we are ministering among an unreached people group in Vietnam.
We began and continue to operate a school, grades K-7, in Liancourt, Haiti. The school has over 100 students who meet on our campus. The unsettled political situation causes regular disruptions and dangers for parents and children alike.
We have been actively involved with multiple teams and multiple trips to Ukraine since the beginning of the war. We have church plants in several regions of the country as well as ministry to internally displaced people.
Dominican Republic
A strong relationship with the Biblical Alliance churches of the D.R. allows us to do children’s ministry, marriage/family ministry, evangelism, medical and leadership development.
Using our medical teams, we are penetrating the Tolupanes people located deep in the interior mountains. Disciples are being made and the Gospel is being preached.
Church planting is the primary expression of a ministry in Canada. Churches have been started in Pincher Creek, Calgary, Vancouver, Victoria, Toronto, St. John’s, Happy Valley/Goose Bay (more than one in many of these cities) and a church planting team leaves Jonesboro in 2024 to plant a church in Nanaimo.
Although we have partners in several towns in Liberia, we concentrate most of our ministry in Grand Cape Mount County. Our medical ministry is very important in allow us to reach into Vai villages that are traditional Muslim. More than 100 churches now exist among these people. We, also, are involved in orphanage and K-11 education. Leadership development is a key component to the ongoing expansion of the Gospel.
upcoming Mission Trips
January 17-25
Liberia (Trip Full) | Medical/Evangelism
January 29-February 1
Cuba (Trip Full) | Evaluation
February 2-11
South Asia (Trip Full) | Children, IMB Meeting
February 27-March 5
Puerto Rico (Trip Full) | Men’s Event
March 4-11
Guatemala (Trip Full) | Construction, Women & Kids Ministry
March 29-April 5
Honduras | Medical/Evangelism
Cuba | Evangelism
May 5-9
Chile | Vision Trip
St. Johns, NL, Canada | Construction
June 4-12
Central Asia | Evangelism
June 28-July 5
TBD | Family Mission Trip
June TBD
Nanaimo, BC, Canada | Children’s Camp
Cuba | VBS
Cuba | Student Camp
July 4-13
Calgary, AB, Canada | Stampede Ministry
July 21-28
Fort Peck, Montana | Evangelism
August 4-8
Mexico | VBS
August 28-September 3
Nanaimo/Oak Bay, BC, Canada | Outreach
Octber 24-27
Dominican Republic | Pastor/Wife Event
Central Asia | Young Adult Ministry
Ukraine | Retreat
Ukraine | Construction
Student/Music Trip | Music
Interested in going on a mission trip? Contact our Missions Office.
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