I’m Mel Blackaby. The Lord has given me the great privilege of being the Sr. Pastor of First Baptist Jonesboro. It is a calling that I take very seriously. I am convinced that God’s great salvation is intensely personal, but it was never meant to be private. That is why I challenge every believer to live out his or her faith within the family of God and before a watching world.

Jesus is our focus; He is the Lord of our lives and the head of our church. We believe He has given us a mission to “glorify God by making disciples who invest in other people and impact the nations.” That is why we take the study of God’s Word seriously. That is why we are actively reaching out to people in our community. That is why we are planting churches and involved in mission partnerships around the world.

It is our prayer that every person who walks onto our campus feels the presence of God and the love of His people. And as God adds to our number, we receive them as a gift from God. So join us as we do “life together” at First Baptist Jonesboro.

Position: Senior Pastor

Phone: 770.478.6710

Email: [email protected]

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