Amy Rhodes

Position: Minister | Preschool & Kids
Phone: 770-478-6710
Categories: Kids Team, Ministers, Our Team, Pastors

Train up a child the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6
I was raised in Clayton County and graduated from Jonesboro High School. FBJ was my church home for many years and I am excited to call this my church family again. I graduated from Georgia State University with a BBA in Hospitality Management, but I have always had a heart for children. It wasn’t until shortly after my youngest daughter was born that I knew God was calling me into full time Children’s Ministry. I have been blessed to be able to show the love of Jesus to children and their families for a little over a decade. I am honored to have this amazing opportunity to help raise up our next generation to know, love, and follow Jesus here at FBJ.

I am married to my wonderful husband, Kevin. We have two beautiful daughters, Kyla and Ava, as well as our four-legged ‘babies.’ I enjoy spending time with family and friends, cooking, and traveling.