Voices and instruments help create an atmosphere where people can experience the presence of God!
The Jonesboro Music Ministry is a family of ordinary people united to display the beauty of the Gospel through music and the arts. Music and the arts is a place where everyone can serve and grow!

The Jonesboro Choir is a great opportunity for anyone to serve the body of Christ through singing and worship-leading. Our choir includes professionals, shower-singers, and everyone in-between. There is a place for you! We practice and lead worship every week, with special concerts during the year.

The Jonesboro Orchestra and band is a wonderful team of musicians with a high-school or greater skill level on a woodwind, string, brass, percussion, or rhythm instrument. We practice and play weekly, with special concerts as well. The orchestra (winds, strings, percussion) is non-auditioned, while the band (guitars, drums, keys) is auditioned. Have a skill and wanna play? Stop by a rehearsal or contact us to schedule an audition!

Kids age 3 thru 5th grade learning how they are created in God’s image to have a real relationship with Him, and discovering wonderful ways to creatively express and explore that beautiful truth singing, rhythm, and movement!

Students grades 6-12 discovering, developing, and using their musical and artistic abilities as a team to minister to the church and community! A choir, worship band, and tech ops are the mainstays! Make new friends, hone your skill, and make a real difference! Join student music!
At Jonesboro, we define Biblical worship as loving the God of the Bible with all our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies. To worship God is to live in such a way that reflects we treasure Him above all things, including adoring, surrendering, and serving. The Jonesboro Music ministry is discipleship at its best. We believe none of us can do what all of us can do, and so highly value collaborative/team-focused ministry. We truly are better together, ordinary people united to express worship through singing, instruments, dance, and other artistic endeavors. We learn how to rightfully and beautifully express worship, we practice worship, we model worship, and we minister through worship.